Sheraton Music City Nashville Airport
777 McGavock Pike
Nashville, TN 37214
Registration Fee: $125
Registration Type: Select “General Attendee.”
Medicare Updates
Everyone will start their workshop day with an overview of recent changes and updates to the Medicare program.
Documentation Requirements for DME & Supplies
This session provides an overview of standard documentation requirements in the Supplier Manual and Policy Article A55426. DME suppliers will ensure that they are aware of documentation requirements on amendments, corrections to medical records, signature requirements, standard written orders, continued use vs. continued need, request for refills, and proof of delivery.
Documentation Requirements for Orthotics & Prosthetics (O&P)
This session supplies an overview of medical record documentation from an O&P perspective, including information on written order prior to delivery, face-to-face encounters, and the differences between custom fit and custom-fabricated orthotics.
Successful Claim Submission
This session supplies basic information on eligibility, the intake process, and the claim submission process. We recommend this course for new suppliers and employees whose roles have recently changed in your company.
Orthoses & Prosthetics — Prior Authorization, Errors, and Resolutions
This session looks at the prior authorization requirements for O&P. We will also share examples of the most common reasons for denials, non-affirmations, and tips on how to avoid them.
Oxygen Local Coverage Determination (LCD) Updates
Join this session to learn about the latest updates to the Oxygen & Oxygen Equipment LCD and Policy Article (PA).
Glucose Monitors Updates, Errors, and Resolutions
This session reviews the latest updates and information about Medicare coverage and documentation requirements for glucose monitors and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). We will also share information on common claim submission errors and resolutions.
Self-Service Tools
This session provides an overview of the free self-service solutions available on the CGS website. We will discuss how these services help find the answers you need without calling customer support. Attendees will learn ways to find information on claim submissions, claim denials, and claim denial resolutions.
Reopenings and Redeterminations
This session will explain when it is appropriate to submit a reopening, a claim correction, or a redetermination request. We will discuss the fastest and most effective ways to request each for a successful outcome along with information on handling overpayments.
Mastering Modifiers and Consolidated Billing
Learn all about the correct use of modifiers, including the proper use of the GW modifier for beneficiaries enrolled in hospice. This session includes information about pre-payment reviews of the GW modifier.
Auditing Entities
This session reviews who the auditing contractors are, the role of the auditing contractors, and how to prepare for an audit.
Advance Beneficiary Notices (ABNs) & Upgrades
This session reviews financial implications associated with ABNs, as well as when and how to deliver ABNs to Medicare beneficiaries and submit claims for upgrades.
Wheelchair Updates, Errors & Resolutions
This session will provide an overview of the coverage criteria for both power mobility devices (PMDs) as well as manual wheelchairs, with a discussion of the most common denial reasons and how to avoid them.
Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Devices and Supplies
This session supplies discusses the coverage criteria, documentation requirements and recent updates for PAP devices and supplies.
Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes Updates, Errors, and Resolutions
This session supplies detailed information on how to resolve the top claim denials and documentation errors. We will also address the parameters of the therapeutic shoes for persons with diabetes benefits and certifying physician requirements.
Questions & Answers (Q&A)
End your workshop day by joining the Provider Outreach & Education Team for a Q&A session.