OAND Supporter Membership

OAND Supporter Membership Application

OAND is pleased to offer members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics who affiliate with a state other than Ohio the opportunity to join OAND as a supporter member. OAND supporter members will receive the following benefits:
◦Receipt of emails relating to OAND (newsletters and other special notices)
◦Member discount rate at OAND’s Annual Conference
◦Opportunity to serve (by appointment) on committees and task forces
◦Access to OAND’s website member access
◦Access to the OAND member list
Are you a current member of AND? Membership will be verified. If NO, please consider joining AND in order to be eligible for Ohio membership.
AND Number:
Indicate Membership Status with Academy:
Active Member
Student Member
Retired Member

Please enter your name and information below:

First Name:
Last Name (including credentials):
City: State Zip

Membership Fee

Please select your Membership dues fee

Payments to the Ohio Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics are not deductible as charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes. However, they may be deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.
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