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Produce Prescription Statewide Survey

Ohio Department of Health

We are conducting a landscape assessment of produce prescription (PRx) programs across Ohio as part of the State Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) grant with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Our goal is to understand the range of produce prescription programming happening in Ohio and are hoping to have all Produce Prescription program administrators in Ohio complete this survey. This survey aims to gather information on what your program does, who your program aims to reach, your partnerships, and any challenges encountered in program administration. We plan to use the results to highlight existing programming strengths and gaps and to guide ODH actions to provide future support and funding strategies for these programs. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and we are requesting that you please fill out this survey by Friday, June 28th. If you would prefer to schedule a virtual meeting where we can fill out the survey together during the meeting, please reach out to We would greatly appreciate it if you could share this survey with others who are conducting produce prescription programs in your area as well. Thank you for your time and participation!


Casey Slive, MPH
Food Access Coordinator
Bureau of Health Improvement and Wellness
246 North High St.
Columbus, OH 43215
P: 380.215.2301

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