Members In Action

Student Research Award

Student Research Award

Caitlyn Beldon

Caitlyn Beldon is currently in her fourth year at Bowling Green State University. She will graduate with her Bachelor’s of Science in Dietetics in April. She is involved with the Student Nutrition Association, Honors College at BGSU, and a Resident Advisor. She was drawn to dietetics because of her love of helping other people. This is one of the  research projects that Caitlyn worked on while at BGSU. After graduation Caitlyn plans on completing her dietetic internship and master’s degree to become a registered dietitian.

Research Dietitian Award

Research Dietitian Award

Kristen Heitman, PhD, RDN, LD

Kristen Heitman is a recent graduate from the Health and Rehabilitation Sciences program under the direction of Dr. Christopher A. Taylor. Kristen completed her undergraduate degree at Michigan State University and her combined dietetic internship and master’s degree at Case Western Reserve University. She currently works as a bio nutritionist at The Ohio State University Clinical Research Center and is an adjunct instructor at Columbus State Community College. Kristen’s research focuses on implementation of the Academy’s Future Education Model education programs, elucidating teaching methods, best practices, and facilitators/barriers to program implementation. Knowledge gained from this work will inform stakeholders on programmatic success, experience, and further develop accreditation policy and procedures for a more targeted approach that addresses student, faculty, and preceptor needs.

Recognized Dietitian of the Year Award

Recognized Dietitian of the Year Award

Divya Denduluri, MS, RDN, LD, IBCLC

Divya Denduluri works at the Dayton Children's Pediatric clinic as an outpatient dietitian and as an inpatient lactation specialist. She enjoys working with parents and babies and supporting them on their unique journey of nourishing their babies. She is drawn to nutrition in infancy and the post-partum period, and believes that every parent should have the opportunity to have the support and make informed decisions about feeding their little ones

Outstanding Contribution by a Non-Member

Outstanding Contribution by a Non-Member

Randy Wexler, MD, MPH

Randy Wexler is Professor of Family Medicine and the Academic Vice Chair in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the Ohio State University. He received his undergraduate degree from Miami University in Oxford, his Medical Degree is from the Wright State University in Dayton, and his MPH is from the School of Public Health at the Ohio State University. Dr. Wexler has received research funding from NIH, AHRQ, the State of Ohio (Medicaid).

Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year

Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year

Sara Turner-Smith, MS, RDN, LD

Sara Turner-Smith completed her Master’s degree and Dietetic Internship at Bowling Green State University. She is an Adjunct Instructor at BGSU, overseeing the Introduction to Human Nutrition Laboratory. She mentors and trains Undergraduate and Graduate Students in effective teaching and communication within the lab. Sara also provides outpatient nutrition counseling for clients with eating disorders, chronic dieting, and body image concerns at Divergent Dietitian, a practice located in Perrysburg, Ohio. At Divergent, she acts as cofacilitator of client and parent groups, and assists in leading a research review club for dietitians focusing on a non-diet approach to food, emphasizing eating disorder recovery. Her favorite aspect of being a dietitian is seeing others become empowered and inspired to make decisions that support all aspects of their health.

Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year

Allison Thirion Blasius, MPH, RD, LD, FAND

Allison Thirion Blasius is a firm believer that you can't live a full life on an empty stomach. She has spent her short career working in pediatric nutrition in hospitals, in schools, and even at summer camp, where she attempts to achieve the impossible and find foods that both kids and their parents approve of. Most of Alli’s current and previous Academy leadership involves choosing who will win things, and she is excited to finally be on the receiving end of such a prestigious award. She lives in Cleveland, OH with her husband and their three elderly black cats.

Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year

Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year

Maria Brumfield, MS, RDN, LD

Maria Brumfield is a registered and licensed dietitian at Dayton Children’s Hospital. Maria received undergraduate, and graduate degrees, along with dietetic internship completion from Miami University. Maria began working at Dayton Children’s as a registered dietitian in January 2020. Maria works in a variety of outpatient clinics including Healthy Me Clinic, Nutrition Clinic, and The Center for the Female Athlete. A fun fact is that Maria worked with the Healthy Me Clinic in her internship and is now one of the registered dietitians in clinic. Maria was a collegiate cross country and track runner at Miami University and was able to help develop and build The Center for the Female Athlete at Dayton Children’s, connecting her background of athletics with her passion of dietetics.

Outstanding Dietetics Student

Outstanding Dietetics Student

Emily Wieczorkowski

Emily Wieczorkowski is currently enrolled in the University of Cincinnati Coordinated Program.  As a top student, she was selected for the pilot 5-year Masters-Coordinated Program. Her dedication to her field of study is instantly recognizable; she stayed on after finishing a recent rotation to continue developing curriculum for the program. In addition to her classwork and rotations, she volunteers her time at various organizations around the city and is active in the Student Dietetic Association. The way Emily interacts with her colleagues and in her training with patients show that she will make an excellent dietitian.

Outstanding Dietetics Student

Outstanding Dietetics Student

Iris Puthoff

Iris Puthoff is a dietetic intern and graduate student at Miami University. She is also a graduate teaching assistant and enjoys getting to teach and work with students in kinesiology labs. Iris has also been involved at Miami as a research assistant in an NIH funded research lab. She has enjoyed being able to study weight loss in older adults and complete her Master’s Thesis. During her dietetic internship, Iris loved completing her clinical rotations in both adult and pediatric settings. After graduating, Iris plans to work as a clinical dietitian and can’t wait to learn more and grow as a professional!

Outstanding Dietetics Student

Outstanding Dietetics Student

Ashley Chalupka

Ashley Chalupka is in the Future Graduate Program in Dietetics, Master's in Public Health at Youngstown State University. She is from Sharpsville, Pennsylvania. She is the current President of the Student Dietetic Group at YSU and has served the board previously as treasurer and secretary. She is actively involved in the community serving at soup kitchens and volunteering at health fairs, local schools, and community events promoting the dietetic profession. She hopes to own a private practice and educate students at the college level. She enjoys camping, listening to music, and hanging with family and friends in her spare time.

Outstanding Dietetic Educator

Outstanding Dietetic Educator

John Pantel, MS, RDN, LD

John Pantel is an Assistant Professor and the Director of Clinical Education for the Graduate Coordinated Program (CP) in Dietetics in the Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise, and Nutrition Sciences at the University of Cincinnati (UC). He has been with UC since 2017 where he teaches several undergraduate courses and oversees the placement of more than 30 supervised practice students annually throughout greater Cincinnati. John led the transition from an undergraduate to a master’s CP in clinical nutrition and has spearheaded an initiative with the UC College of Allied Health’s Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Committee to incorporate interprofessional education into the curriculum for students across all disciplines in the college. Most recently, he worked with the UC College of Nursing to create an interprofessional experience between dietetic and nursing students in their simulation and skills lab to meet the new ACEND competencies for conducting health screenings, providing diabetes MNT and placing feeding tubes. John has undergone extensive training in quality improvement methodology at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center to help dietetic students in the graduate CP learn, implement, and develop this valuable skill as part of their training.

Outstanding Dietetic Educator

Outstanding Dietetic Educator

Natalie Caine-Bish, PhD, RDN, LD

Natalie Caine-Bish is an Associate Professor at Kent State University. She believes one of the most important aspects of teaching is to educate with empathy and compassion. Compassionate teaching develops a positive classroom culture and creates trust and open lines of communication. This strategy allows Natalie to challenge her students beyond what they think their capabilities are. Natalie is the DPD Director for Kent State University and a Kent State University Dietetic Internship Preceptor. She has a PhD in Exercise Physiology, an MS in Nutrition, and BS in Natural Sciences.

Outstanding Dietetic Educator

Outstanding Dietetic Educator

Naomi Barbor, MS, RDN, LD

Naomi Barbor is the Dietetic Internship Director and Clinical Nutrition Manager at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human Nutrition. She has more than twelve years of management experience, and has been educating others since she was an undergrad student. Naomi values the opportunity to support her teams of professionals and dietetic interns as they navigate their education, and launch, or progress through their careers. Her passion is to help others grow skills, achieve personal milestones, and expand the role and recognition of the credentialed nutrition expert. Naomi received her BS degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Florida, and her MS degree in Nutrition Communication from Tufts University. Before focusing on education, she worked in clinical pediatrics, corporate wellness, program development and obesity research. She advocates for improved diversity, equity & inclusion, so current and future nutrition professionals better meet the needs of our communities. Naomi’s commitment to the successful intern and future RDN covers a variety of tactics- from launching one of the first DI program Instagram accounts to help with recruitment, to coaching graduates on salary negotiations. She strives to elevate the voice of and promote the amazing work we all do every day.

President’s Award

President’s Award

Laura Poland , RDN, LD

Laura Poland has been a dietitian for over 30 years working in a variety of settings. Laura is the lead dietitian and provider for her private practice: Dietitian In Your Kitchen. She enjoys podcasting with fellow dietitian Amy Keller, MS, RDN, LD, and The Secret Life of Dietitians. Laura is an active member of the Ohio Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, The Columbus Dietetic Association, and the Nutrition Entrepreneur RDs (NERDs) of Central Ohio. Laura is currently serving OAND as the NSPS (Nutrition Services Payment Specialist) and as the State Media Representative as well as the NSPS for the Columbus Dietetic Association.