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By-Law Recommended Changes


Dear $$First Name$$

Director Diana Walter, Chair of the By-Law committee, recommends the following Amendments.

Article III - Purposes and Objective- (Recommended changes)

  1. To encourage public opinion regarding the value of opticians and accurate optical dispensing services, to defend each person's freedom of choice in obtaining these services, and to support licensed Opticianry through legislative and regulatory efforts.
  2. To promote membership awareness by networking among members and non-members for increased fellowship.
  3. To promote advancing the science and art of Opticianry and encourage increasing the scope of practice of licensed opticians.
  4. To provide educational programs, to maintain and elevate optical competencies and knowledge base for higher standards in the performance of the membership in their profession as licensed opticians.

Article IV - Membership - Recommended changes

  1. Section 1: The Membership shall be open to those who support the purposes and objectives of the OAO.
  2. Section 2: Members (1-year renewal) or Gold members (4-year renewal) shall be limited to those holding a valid State Opticianry license, certified by the American Board of Opticianry, or National Contact Lens Examiners, who shall have full voting rights.

Article VII - Executive Director - (Recommended change).

  1. Section 5: Annual Review - The Executive Committee of OAO shall conduct a formal performance and salary review for this position annually in the first quarter of the calendar year.

Article IX - Committees (Recommend changes)

  1. Section 10: Will become Apprentice Education Committee The President shall appoint a Chair or Co-Chairs of the Apprentice Education Committee. The committee shall provide a curriculum to give the apprentices essential basic knowledge and confidence. The Committee will create, develop, and implement these sessions.
  2. Section 11: The President may appoint the following Committees or any other Committees as deemed needed by the Board of Directors.
    • Legislative and Government Affairs Committee
    • Student Committee

The By-Law Recommendations will be voted on at the 2023 Annual Conference Professional Development Event Sunday, September 10th, 2023, during the OAO Business meeting.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Director Diana at or the OAO headquarters at (614) 505-3296.

Click here to review current By-Laws

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