
Article Submissions

Authors are encouraged to prepare their manuscripts so that they are accessible to a general intellectual audience and should avoid the use of gender-biased language. WSIC also includes a "Conversation and Commentary" section. Please direct inquiries to the editor. Manuscripts considered for publication should be prepared in accordance with the most recent edition of the MLA Handbook or the Publication Manual of the APA.

Submissions may be made online through our electronic submission and review system, ScholarOne Manuscripts.  All our work will now be undertaken using this system which brings with it a number of advantages - authors, for example, will be able to track the progress of their manuscripts.

Prepare the following required documents prior to beginning the online submission process at:

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You will be prompted to create an account with ScholarOne Manuscripts. Once your account has been created, authors should upload manuscripts in electronic form including a deidentified title page, avoiding any mention of author name or identifying information, but listing the title, abstract (75 word maximum), and key words. We also ask for you to upload a cover letter explaining why you believe the essay is appropriate for our journal and what are its major contributions.

Direct all materials to:

Marissa Doshi, Journal Editor-Elect
Associate Professor of Communication
Hope College
Martha Miller Center
257 Columbia Avenue, Room 115, PO Box 9000, Holland, MI 49422-9000