Members Resources
OSOMS has established a fund within the Ohio Dental Association Foundation that is used to support Ohio oral surgery residents and their educational needs. The three Ohio training schools were each presented with a check for $1,500 from this fund. Please donate to continue support for these programs. Your contribution is tax deductible.
Checks should be written to Ohio Dental Association Fund and returned to the OSOMS office (PO Box 503, Dublin, OH 43017)
You may also send your donation directly to the ODA office using this form: OSOMS/ODA Foundation Donation Form
or donate online: Donate to the OSOMS Fund through the ODA Foundation
Thank you to our 2021-2022 Donors, to date: (Donations received through the OSOMS January 2021-December 2022)
$500+ Level:
Thomas Perry
$250-499 Level:
Victor Kim
James Maxwell
Jackrit Mongkollugsana
Faisal Quereshy
Gary Patterson
Dave Smeltzer
$200-249 Level:
Robert Dornauer
$150-$199 Level:
Marianne Coburn
$100-$149 Level:
Jeffrey McClain
James Schirmer
$50-$99 Level: