Manages child support cases in accordance with federal, state & local laws & procedures. Monitors case payments and completes enforcement measures when cases are not in compliance using enforcement measures such as driver’s license suspension, bank account seizure, contempt of court referrals, and referral for felony non-support. Open new cases in SETS. Updates data in SETS with court order changes. Determine if payments have been applied correctly to customer accounts when inquiries are made. Conducts in-house & phone investigations by interviewing parties & witnesses to gather data to establish paternity & pursue child support payments, locate absent parents for the purpose of collecting child support. Conducts modification of child support order when requested which includes gathering data, running Ohio Child Support Worksheet Guideline and making recommendation of new child support amount to the court. Prepares legal papers for agency attorney. Serves as DNA collector for sampling in agency, travels to Putnam County Jail and collects DNA samples on an as needed basis. Responds to consumer (custodial and non-custodial) inquiries regarding child support. Answer routine questions/inquiries from general public. Maintain confidentiality of all individual’s information according to policies. Ensure accurate case files. Agency hours are Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Fridays from 7 a.m. – 12:00 noon.
High School Diploma or GED. Associate degree preferred. Valid driver’s license. Previous case management experience preferred. Strong written and verbal communication skills, be skillful in problem solving, maintain accurate records and be able to develop and present new ideas to unique issues as they arise. Previous experience with Microsoft Office preferred. You must be highly adaptable to change, organized, ability to meet multiple deadlines, and want to make a difference in the lives of families in the community. Previous experience with case management and social services programs preferred.
Qualified applicants should submit their cover letter and resume to:
John Folk, Director via e-mail to
Putnam County Job and Family Services
575 Ottawa-Glandorf Rd., Ste. 1
Ottawa, OH 45875