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2024 Conference App Access Ends June 10

Conference attendees only have one week left to access the R@H ConferenceBeat Event App. That means time is running out to access, download, and save or print handouts, complete any outstanding evaluations, or jot down contact information for folks they met last month.

If there is information attendees want to retain from this year's conference, they MUST retrieve it from the app by next Monday, June 10, 2024.
OJFSDA does NOT archive these materials due to volume.

To log in to the app online visit then sign in with your email and default passcode Discover2024.

To email yourself materials*, click Handouts on the home screen, select an attachment of interest by session, date, or company, click the envelope button above the view window, and the requested materials will be sent to you from within minutes. Repeat for all other documents of interest or click the envelope at the bottom of the screen to email them to yourself in bulk.

*If applicable, download materials that could not be attached to the email because of size limitations from the provided link because it will expire the same time your app access does.

To download materials, click the download arrow instead and retrieve the files from your downloads folder.

QUESTIONS? Contact Becca Krelko, Conference Coordinator, at
SAVE THE DATE: Annual Training Conference | May 8-9, 2025 | Hyatt Regency Columbus

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