Mission of the Ohio Optometric Association (OOA)
The Ohio Optometric Association serves its members and their patients by advocating for the profession to the public and policymakers, promoting the importance of and access to comprehensive eye care, and providing meaningful resources that strengthen professional viability.
Led by its Board of Directors, the OOA also provides regional leadership by dividing the state into 12 regions, or zones, each led by a volunteer member, the Zone Governor.
Zones hold regular meetings throughout the year. Click on OOA Calendar of Events for a listing of upcoming meetings around the state. In the search bar, type "Zone __" for your specific zone meetings.
2024 Board of Directors
Lindsay Florkey, OD, MSPRESIDENT Greene County Eye Care | Timothy Fries, OD, MBA, MPHPRESIDENT-ELECT The Ohio State University College of Optometry |
San-San Cooley, OD, MSSECRETARY-TREASURER EyeCare Professionals of Powell | Brian Dietz, ODIMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Premier Vision Group |
Taylor Babcock, ODTRUSTEE Babcock Eye Care | David Bejot, ODTRUSTEE The Eye Center of Toledo |
Katherine Fisher, ODTRUSTEE Middletown & Settlers Walk Eye Care | Katie Greiner, OD, MS, MBATRUSTEE Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons |
Greg Nixon, ODTRUSTEE OSU College of Optometry | Jennifer Vincent, ODTRUSTEE Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons |
ZONE 1Dr. Janel Strah Family Eye Care Centers | ZONE 2Dr. Taylor Wrubel Chardon & Chesterland Family Eyecare |
ZONE 3Dr. Michelle Seif-Mlachak MyEyeDr | ZONE 4Dr. Nicholas Flebotte Associates in Ophthalmology |
ZONE 5Dr. Zachary Leach Barnesville Vision Center | ZONE 6Dr. Rachel LeFebvre Athens Eye Care |
ZONE 7Dr. Michael L. Miller Portsmouth Vision Center | ZONE 8Dr. Bethany Munzel Vision Therapy Studio |
ZONE 9Dr. Taylor Sprague Miamisburg Vision Care (OMG) | ZONE 10Dr. Rose Hayes Spectrum Eye Care |
ZONE 11Dr. Jenna Bailey Vision Associates | ZONE 12Dr. David Zigler Central Ohio Eyecare |