Membership Categories

The OOA offers several different categories of membership; contact for further information:

Active Member OD working an average of 25 hours or more per week. Pays annual dues and has access to all member advantages. May debate, vote, and hold office.
Optometric Educator Member OD educator working full-time in school-related activities such as teaching, research, or administration. Pays discounted annual dues and has access to all member advantages. May debate, vote, and hold office.
Partial Practice Member OD working an average of 24 hours or less per week. Pays discounted annual dues and has access to all member advantages. May debate, vote, and hold office.
Life Member OD who has accumulated 45+ years of membership in the AOA (including AOSA membership). Pays NO annual dues and has access to all member advantages. May debate and vote.
Post Graduate Member OD in residency program or enrolled full-time in a graduate program. OOA covers AOA annual dues obligation. Has access to all member advantages. May debate.
Retired with Benefits Member OD aged 55 or older that is no longer engaged in compensated optometric-related activities. Pays highly discounted annual dues and has access to all member advantages. Continues to accumulate years toward Life membership. May debate and vote.
Retired Member OD aged 55 or older that is no longer engaged in compensated optometric-related activities. Pays NO annual dues and does NOT have access to member advantages. Does NOT continue to accumulate years toward Life membership. May debate.
Associate Member An OD or non-OD who does not meet the criteria of other membership categories, for example, an OD who affiliates with another state yet wants to remain a participant in Ohio optometry. Pays highly discounted annual dues and has access to some member advantages. May debate.