Membership Categories
The OOA offers several different categories of membership; contact for further information:
Active Member | OD working an average of 25 hours or more per week. Pays annual dues and has access to all member advantages. May debate, vote, and hold office. |
Optometric Educator Member | OD educator working full-time in school-related activities such as teaching, research, or administration. Pays discounted annual dues and has access to all member advantages. May debate, vote, and hold office. |
Partial Practice Member | OD working an average of 24 hours or less per week. Pays discounted annual dues and has access to all member advantages. May debate, vote, and hold office. |
Life Member | OD who has accumulated 45+ years of membership in the AOA (including AOSA membership). Pays NO annual dues and has access to all member advantages. May debate and vote. |
Post Graduate Member | OD in residency program or enrolled full-time in a graduate program. OOA covers AOA annual dues obligation. Has access to all member advantages. May debate. |
Retired with Benefits Member | OD aged 55 or older that is no longer engaged in compensated optometric-related activities. Pays highly discounted annual dues and has access to all member advantages. Continues to accumulate years toward Life membership. May debate and vote. |
Retired Member | OD aged 55 or older that is no longer engaged in compensated optometric-related activities. Pays NO annual dues and does NOT have access to member advantages. Does NOT continue to accumulate years toward Life membership. May debate. |
Associate Member | An OD or non-OD who does not meet the criteria of other membership categories, for example, an OD who affiliates with another state yet wants to remain a participant in Ohio optometry. Pays highly discounted annual dues and has access to some member advantages. May debate. |