New Report Compares Local Health Systems

The Commonwealth Fund has released the first-ever Scorecard on Local Health System Performance, providing U.S. communities with comparative data to assess the performance of their health care systems.

 The 43 indicators in the Scorecard span four dimensions of health system performance:  (1) access; (2) prevention and treatment; (3) costs and potentially avoidable hospital use; and (4) health outcomes.

 The report compares all 306 local health care areas (known as hospital referral regions) in the United States and shows that access, quality, costs, and health outcomes all vary significantly from one local community to another. The findings clearly illustrate that where Americans live matters for health care access and care experiences. The full report, including an interactive map, is available online.   

 The top-performing areas in the United States are concentrated in the Upper Midwest and Northeast. Yet, ample opportunities exist for health system improvement in all communities. Not only does the Scorecard allow communities to assess performance, it also provides them with an opportunity to establish priorities for improvement and to set achievement targets.

The mission of The Commonwealth Fund is to promote a high performing health care system that achieves better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, particularly for society's most vulnerable, including low-income people, the uninsured, minority Americans, young children, and elderly adults. 

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