Ohio House Set to Approve New Vaccine Bill After One Hearing

Vaccine Coalition Issues Statement

(September 29, 2021) Two state representatives unveiled a vaccine bill yesterday—which was promptly approved by the Ohio House Health Committee and scheduled for a floor vote today. There was no public testimony or opportunity to review the bill.

HB 435 limits an employer’s ability to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment and prohibits schools and universities from requiring a student to receive a COVID-19 vaccine for which the FDA has not issued a biologics license.

In addition, the bill carves out exemptions for:

  • Medical contraindications;
  • Natural immunity; and
  • Reasons of conscience, including religious convictions.

In response, the Ohio Vaccine Coalition, which represents dozens of organizations including the OOA, issued the following statement today:

We appreciate the leadership of the Ohio House of Representatives for their attempt to create a suitable legislative solution to the ongoing deliberations concerning vaccine requirement by employers and universities in Ohio. Unfortunately, the provisions of HB 435 fall short of what our state needs as we work toward pandemic recovery, and this bill does not address the concerns expressed by the medical, business and university communities about prior proposals of a similar nature. Protection of an employer’s rights to make decisions in the best interest of their employees and those we serve cannot be overstated. 

Although our organizations oppose HB 435, we appreciate your consideration and look forward to continuing to work with members of the legislature on this issue.

See the Coalition statement.

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