OOA Files Another Amicus Brief Regarding Medical Costs

The OOA, Ohio Hospital Association, Ohio State Medical Association, and Ohio Alliance for Civil Justice filed an amicus brief, November 2,  in the Ohio Supreme Court appeal of Moretz v. Muakassa.

The Ninth District Court of Appeals held that to establish damages in a trial, expert testimony is required to lay a foundation for the admission of evidence concerning the amount written-off of medical bills or accepted as full payment by the health care provider.

The associations’ brief says the Court should determine and clarify that this type of evidence is admissible without the need of expert testimony, including under prior rulings in Robinson v. Bates andJaques v. Manton. The OOA, OSMA and OHA also filed amicus briefs in those cases as a part of an ongoing “court watch” to preserve and strengthen Ohio’s current tort reform statutes.

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