Law Requiring Notice for Lyme Disease Tests Is Repealed

IMPORTANT UPDATE:  This requirement has now been REPEALED.  A coalition of physician organizations requested repeal  of the lyme disease notice requirement prior to  the Lame Duck session in December, 2014.  A provision removing the language from the Ohio Revised Code was included in SB 276, and the notice will no longer be required. 


A new law, effective September 15, requires physicians to provide written notice to all patients who are tested for Lyme disease.. The required language is:

Your health care provider has ordered a test for the presence of Lyme disease. Current testing for Lyme disease can be problematic and may lead to false results. If you are tested for Lyme disease and the results are positive, this does not necessarily mean that you have contracted Lyme disease. In the alternative, if the results are negative, this does not necessarily mean that you have not contracted Lyme disease. If you continue to experience symptoms or have other health concerns, you should contact your health care provider and inquire about the appropriateness of additional testing or treatment.

The State Medical Board of Ohio has developed a form to comply with the law, which can be downloaded from the Board's website   All physicians,  advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, and dentists must  give patient notification using the language above, obtain the patient's  signature, and keep the document in the patient’s record.


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