Complete Story

2006 Resolution Solicitation

Brian Gerth, R.Ph.
Chair, Resolutions and Bylaws Committee

Once again the Resolutions and Bylaws Committee wants to make you aware of the opportunity you have to help guide the Association's direction by submitting proposed resolutions. Any member, committee, local association, or other interested group within the Association may submit a proposed resolution. Some examples of issues addressed by recent resolutions have included the professional designation for pharmacists, Internet access for pharmacies, the donation of drug products to colleges for educational purposes, and subject-specific continuing education.

Once reviewed by the Resolutions and Bylaws Committee, the proposal goes before the House of Delegates for action. Any resolution adopted by the House of Delegates becomes the policy of OPA. The House of Delegates will be meeting Saturday afternoon, April 22, 2006, in conjunction with OPA's 128th Annual Conference.

Putting together a desired action or policy in the form of a resolution is not difficult. A resolution should simply state the proposed issue: "Resolved, That the Ohio Pharmacists Association supports legislation which would permit pharmacist participation in immunization programs."

Introductory preambles, typically referred to as "whereas" clauses, are not required, but can sometimes be useful to provide explanatory information: "Whereas, The Attorney General of the State of Ohio has ruled that no health care professional may administer medications unless specifically authorized by that professional's practice act." Multiple, involved paragraphs should be avoided. The shorter and more simple the resolution, the greater its impact. It is the job of the Resolutions and Bylaws Committee to assist you in formulating your proposals.

In summary, you have the opportunity and responsibility to direct the policies of your Association by turning your desired actions into resolutions for the House of Delegates to consider, and the Resolutions and Bylaws Committee exists to help you accomplish that. The Committee will finalize all proposed resolutions for the 2006 House of Delegates by its January 12 meeting. We ask that all proposed resolutions be received in the office by January 6, 2006. You can fax them to 614.586.1545 or e-mail to Please don't hesitate to contact me, through the OPA office, for any further assistance or guidance.

Thank you for helping to set the direction of your Association.

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