Governor Expands “Good Cause” for Refusing Suitable Work During COVID
Last week, Governor DeWine signed a new executive order expanding the definition of “Good Cause” for refusing suitable work during COVID and allowing individuals to extend unemployment benefits.
We know there has been some confusion about this, so we wanted to make sure you had the latest information as it relates to questions you may receive from patients and/or employers.
The expansion of “good cause” includes:
A medical professional’s recommendation that an individual not return to work because he/she falls into a category that is considered “high risk” of contracting COVID-19 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the employer cannot offer teleworking options
Potential exposure to COVID-19 and subject to prescribed quarantine period by a medical or health professional
Staying home to care for a family member who is suffering from COVID-19 or subject to a prescribed quarantine period by a medical professional or health professional
In any of these cases, the individual may ask his/her physician for appropriate documentation to justify the “good cause” exemption. The CDC has issued guidance defining people at high risk that your practice can use as a reference should you be asked to document that exemption.
If you have any additional questions, please refer to either the Ohio Department of Health’s Coronavirus website or the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services unemployment website.

If you have questions about this information or OSMA’s services to physicians: Call 800-766-6762 or email OSMA.