Complete Story


Meet OSMA's New Medical Student Section Chair


Hello! My name is Ellena Privitera, and I am delighted to be serving as your new chair of the Medical Student Section! (MSS) I’m originally from Cincinnati and received my bachelor’s degree in medical sciences at the University of Cincinnati. I recently finished my M3 year at the Ohio State University and will be on a leave-of-absence as a Fulbright scholar in Portugal while serving as the MSS chair before joining the class of 2026 for M4.

In my free time I love long walks with my dog, hiking and rock climbing, and cooking meals with my friends.

My involvement with OSMA started with writing resolutions and grew while serving as the MSS Vice Chair. I loved working with our resolution review committee and authors last year and collaborating with students to support Issue 1. I am grateful to be connected with so many brilliant and dedicated students from across Ohio and am looking forward to the advocacy we pursue together this year!

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