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OSMA 2025 Advocacy Preview


The Ohio General Assembly began its 136th session this month, and this means that legislators, including some newly elected officials from the November election, are at the Statehouse ready for business. OSMA’s Advocacy Team is also on-hand and preparing for this year’s advocacy efforts on behalf of the practice of medicine, including work related to the state biennial budget process.

Read on for a preview of what is in store in the coming months: a list of House and Senate leadership, the committees in each chamber, and OSMA’s advocacy agenda.


136th General Assembly Leadership

House Majority Leadership:

Speaker of the House: Rep. Matt Huffman (R-Lima)

Speaker Pro Tempore: Rep. Gayle Manning (R-North Ridgeville)

Assistant Speaker Pro Tempore: Rep. Phil Plummer (R-Dayton)

Majority Floor Leader: Rep. Marilyn John (R-Richland County)

Assistant Majority Floor Leader: Rep. Adam Bird (R-New Richmond)

Majority Whip:


House Minority Leadership:

Minority Leader: Rep. Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington)

Assistant Minority Leader: Rep. Dontavius Jarrells (D-Columbus)

Minority Whip: Rep. Dani Isaacsohn (D-Cincinnati)

Assistant Minority Whip: Rep. Michele Grim (D-Toledo)


Senate Majority Leadership:

Senate President: Sen. Rob McColley (R-Napoleon)

President Pro Tempore: Sen. Bill Reineke (R-Tiffin)

Majority Floor Leader: Sen. Theresa Gavarone (R-Bowling Green)

Majority Whip: Sen. George Lang (R-West Chester)


Senate Minority Leadership:

Minority Leader: Sen. Nickie Antonio (D-Lakewood)

Assistant Minority Leader: Sen. Hearcel Craig (D-Columbus)

Minority Whip: Sen. Kent Smith (D-Euclid)

Assistant Minority Whip: Sen. Beth Liston (D-Dublin)



Of particular note, committees in the House and Senate have been assembled and committee leadership has been selected. Below are committees of note which OSMA often interacts with or expects to frequently interact with in our advocacy work. Notably, those listed in bold are physicians and OSMA members.


OSMA 2025 Legislative Advocacy Agenda

  1. State Budget: With the start of a new general assembly, this also means that it is also time for the Ohio Legislature to conduct the biennial budget process. Governor DeWine will first release his proposed state operating budget, and by June, the budget legislation must move through the chambers of the legislature, where it will undergo revisions and additions before becoming law.

  1. Insurance Issues:

  1. Scope of Practice: We expect that, as it has been for years, scope of practice for all allied practitioners will continue to be an area of focus in our advocacy agenda moving forward. OSMA is prepared to advocate for physician-led, team-based care in 2025 and beyond. Some anticipated areas of focus include:
  1. Public Health Issues: OSMA consistently monitors the legislature for opportunities to advocate for important public health initiatives and is a contributor to ongoing efforts by the state to address issues related to mental health and substance use disorder treatment, health equity, infectious disease prevention, tobacco cessation, prevention of chronic disease, and more. Public health issues continue to remain spotlighted in a unique way in the years immediately following the emergence of COVID-19 on the global scale, and OSMA is dedicated to keeping a seat at the table for physician voices in these extremely critical conversations.

  2. Protecting the Physician-Patient Relationship: We continue to advocate for appropriate legislative and regulatory oversight of the practice of medicine which does not prevent physicians from providing best practice, high-quality care and making the best possible treatment decisions for unique patient care circumstances.

  3. Tort Reform: As always, OSMA will continue to monitor the medical liability climate in Ohio and support stability for Ohio physicians.



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