RSA Student Chapter Annual Report 2015

RSA Student Chapter Chair:
Email address:
RSA Student Chapter Faculty Sponsor:
Email address:
University/College affiliation:
From which department(s) do your chapter members come?:
1. How many times did your chapter meet (or does it plan to meet) during the AY 2014-2015?(If your chapter has not met this year and has no plans to meet, please tell us what would help your chapter become active again.)
2. Summarize your chapter's activities for AY 2014-2015.
3.RSA is interested in encouraging collaboration and conversation between student chapters. What ideas do you have for encouraging community building among the student chapters?
4. Are you aware of the annual student funding opportunities through RSA?
Yes No
5. Are there ways in which RSA could better support your chapter? If so, please explain.
Questions: Please contact Katherine Lind,, or Sarah N Frank,
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