Please click on the author's name below to view the article abstracts for the Spring 2009 issue:
BRITT, Elizabeth C.
Spring 2009, 39:2, pages 103-123
Dangerous Deliberation: Subjective Probability and Rhetorical Democracy in the Jury Room
TELL, David
Spring 2009, 39:2, pages 124-146
Jimmy Swaggart's Secular Confession
GROSS, Alan G.
Spring 2009, 39:2, pages 147-169
Toward a Theory of Verbal-Visual Interaction: The Example of Lavoisier
Spring 2009, 39:2, pages 170-188
Dissent As "Aid and Comfort to the Enemy": The Rhetorical Power of Naive Realism and Ingroup Identity
Spring 2009, 39:2, pages 189-211
Resurrecting the Narrative Paradigm: Identification and the Case of Young Earth Creationism