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Rhetoric Society of America - Request for RSQ Reviewers

Dear RSA Members,

First, my sincere thanks to all of you who serve regularly as reviewers for the journal. The review stage is a crucial element of the publication process.  It is a place where our intellectual investments are tested, methodologies are fine-tuned, and knowledge in the field is pushed into new places. During my first year as editor, I’ve been impressed by the generosity and rigor of RSQ reviewers.

I’m writing to ask those of you who may not yet be in the reviewer database to consider joining. In addition to serving the discipline and organization, you will be in on the latest scholarly developments. And you will have a hand in assuring that our field’s flagship journal continues to offer the highest quality scholarship.

If you are interested in reviewing for RSQ, please email with your name, preferred email address, and areas of specialization. If you have already reviewed for RSQ, please consider emailing us to update your contact information and fields of interest/specialization.

Thank you for your commitment to Rhetoric Society Quarterly and to rhetoric studies.


Susan C. Jarratt, Editor
Jasmine Lee, Editorial Assistant

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