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New President-elect and the election slate for the RSA Board of Directors

One of the main reasons for RSA’s on-going success has been the strength of its leadership. We are quickly approaching the time when our members will decide on the next group of leaders to join our Board of Directors and I am writing to share two important announcements related to this process. 

First, the RSA Board is pleased to announce that our association’s next President-elect will be Professor Michelle Ballif of the English Department at University of Georgia. Professor Ballif has served as a member of our Board of Directors and as Associate Editor for Special Issues for Rhetoric Society Quarterly. In addition to her dedication and service to RSA, she is an outstanding scholar who brings strong administrative experience to this important position. I hope you will join me in congratulating Professor Ballif on this appointment. Her duties will begin July 1, 2018. 

Second, RSA’s Nominating Committee – consisting of Rebecca Dingo, Katie Irwin, Nicole McFarlane, and Kendall Phillips – have assembled a very strong slate for our upcoming election. The Board has approved the following slate of individuals for election to four-year terms beginning July 2018 on the RSA Board of Directors: 

Position 1: Gwendolyn Pough (Michigan State U) - Blake Scott (U Central Florida)
Position 2: Elif Guler (Longwood University) - Ersula Ore (Arizona State U)
Position 3: Lisa Flores (U Colorado) - Charles E. Morris III (Syracuse U)
Position 4: Jiyeon Kang (U Iowa) - Anjali Vats (Boston College)
Position 5: Laura Proszak (Northeastern U) - Karieann Soto (Syracuse U) 

Per our bylaws, the election will take place between March and April, 2018. Expect to see biographies of the candidates and more details about the procedures for this important election posted to our website sometime in January.

Greg Clark Signature



Gregory Clark

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