Complete Story

Disability and Accessibility, Amy Vidali

Amy Vidali,

This working group focuses on disability and accessibility, asking how rhetorics of space and inclusion function in our own institutional spa ces and higher education more broadly, which informs our work on the UNR Campus Master Plan (CMP). These questions will be explored through engaged group discussion of the CMP and theories of disability and accessibility by authors such as Brendan Gleeson and Jay Dolmage; visits to accessible and inaccessible campus sites; creation of analog and digital maps and surveys; and discussion with campus and community experts. Avoiding “just in time” solutions, this working group will produce a multi-layered, annotated map that integrates human experience and analog sketches in a digital space. Our work will be shaped by the access needs of our group, which will be collected prior to setting goals in place. Also, the work we produce and share with UNR administration will be universally designed in some ways and multiply accessible in others.

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