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Rhetoric Society of America 2018 Awards Recognition

On Saturday, June 2, 2018, RSA recognized its members’ excellent scholarship, mentoring, and service at the Awards Ceremony at our conference in Minneapolis. We were pleased to honor the following members for their accomplishments and contributions. Congratulations! 

2018 Dissertation Award

José Ángel Maldonado, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Title: "Diana's Confession: Precarious Rhetoric in Post-NAFTA Mexico"
Advisor: Kent A. Ono, University of Utah 

2018 Book Award

Debra Hawhee, Pennsylvania State University
Title:  Rhetoric in Tooth and Claw: Animals, Language, Sensation, University of Chicago Press 

The George E. Yoos Distinguished Service Award

Gregory Clark, Brigham Young University 

RSA Fellows, Class of 2018

Patricia Bizzell, College of The Holy Cross
Gregory Clark, Brigham Young University
Krista Ratcliffe, Arizona State University 

Cheryl Geisler Award for Outstanding Mentor 

Richard Leo Enos, Texas Christian University 

Fellows' Early Career Award

Nathan Johnson, University of South Florida 

Gerard A. Hauser Awards

Jessica Benham, University of Pittsburgh, for “No Eyes Needed: A (Re)Vision of Ekphrasis and Phantasia” 

Elizabeth Bentley, University of Arizona, for “Peace as Proximity: Re-envisioning Israeli-Palestinian Peace in the Viral Cosmopolitan Imaginary” 

Florianne Jimenez, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, for “The Sounds of Home: Ambient Sound and Necropolitics in Two NPR Podcasts” 

Sarah Riddick, University of Texas, Austin, for “Re-Inventing Audience through Thorubos Today” 

Charles Knuepper Award

Francesca R. Gentile, “Marketing the Talented Tenth: W.E.B. DuBois and Public-Intellectual Economies,” (RSQ, vol. 47, 2017: 131-157). 

Outstanding Graduate Student Chapter Award

"The Ivie League," Indiana University, Bloomington

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