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RSQ to Publish Special Issue Series

Debra Hawhee Named Associate Editor for Special Issues

to Publish Special Issue Series

Debra Hawhee Named Associate Editor for Special Issues 

The RSA Board of Directors and Rhetoric Society Quarterly are pleased to announce a new publishing program beginning in 2010, an annual special issue of the journal in addition to the four regular issues. The special issues will be themed, guest-edited issues with an editorial process separate from the regular submissions.

The special issue series is designed to offer RSA and RSQ a new means of influencing the intellectual agenda in rhetorical studies, to encourage focused statements on timely topics, to attract participation by top scholars, and to increase the visibility of rhetorical studies and the RSA by stimulating scholarly activity related to the special issues, such as pre-conference colloquia, conference sessions, and RSA workshops.

This new offering to RSA members has been made possible by RSA's renewed contract with the Taylor & Francis Group to continue publishing and marketing the journal. Membership in RSA and subscriptions to RSQ will include all five issues each year, and membership fees will not be affected.

The Board of Directors has approved the appointment of Debra Hawhee to a four-year term as the first Associate Editor of Rhetoric Society Quarterly for Special Issues. The Associate Editor for Special Issues will be responsible for developing appropriate topics for the special issues, selecting and working with the Guest Editor for each issue, establishing publication schedules and review procedures, and coordinating the special issues with the regular publication schedule and editorial operations of the journal.

Professor of English at Penn State University, longtime member of RSA, and recently Membership Officer for the Society, Debra Hawhee has already commissioned the 2010 special issue, which will appear next November.  It will be entitled "Neurorhetorics," will be edited by Jordynn Jack, and will include essays on mental illness as public controversy. A Call for Proposals for the 2011 special issue will be issued in the near future.

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