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Technological Rhetorics

Leaders: Jordynn Jack, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill; Jeremiah Dyehouse, University of Rhode Island

Technological Rhetorics 

Jordynn Jack, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Jeremiah Dyehouse, University of Rhode Island 

The goal of this workshop is to develop research methodologies for two interconnected areas of study: 1) rhetoric of technology, or the study of the specific discursive practices that co-operate with other practices in the production of technologies, and 2) technologies of rhetoric, or the study of how rhetoric develops as an instrument in different historical circumstances. The workshop will include four sections:  1) theories and frameworks, 2) methods and tools, 3) case studies, and 4) workshop. Throughout, participants will focus on questions such as: what methodologies are available for studying technological rhetorics? what theories are useful? what makes a good case study? Participants should come with a new or ongoing project that they will develop further during the workshop.

Questions? Jordynn Jack,

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