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Digital Humanities and the History of Rhetoric

Leaders: Ned O’Gorman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ekatrina Haskins, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Kassie Lamp, Arizona State University

Digital Humanities and the History of Rhetoric 

Ned O’Gorman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ekatrina Haskins, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Kassie Lamp, Arizona State University 

Without announcing the fact, digital technologies have already significantly influenced scholarship in the history of rhetoric: 

 Yet, the challenge before History of Rhetoric scholars with regard to the  remains, and it comes in the form of a question: what contribution can the Digital Humanities to historical study? 

Here we must understand the Digital Humanities as more than "digital technologies" in the sense of hardware and software.  The Digital Humanities = hardware/software + institutional apparatuses + scholarly community, leading historians to ask 

  1. what data processing challenges are before us?
  2. what interpretative challenges are before us?
  3. what visualization challenges are before us?
  4. what aural challenges are before us?
  5. what teaching challenges are before us?
  6. what collaborative challenges are before us?
  7. what public challenges are before us? 

Our meetings will include discussion of modest readings, meetings with influential people in the digital humanities (including the Director of the National Endowment for the Art’s Digital Humanities Office), and discussion of current projects within the history of rhetoric that intersect with the digital humanities. 

We welcome applications from any interested in Digital Humanities work. This seminar is co-sponsored with RSA by the American Society for the History of Rhetoric.

Questions? Contact Ned O’Gorman,

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