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22nd Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition

Call for Proposals

Join your peers for the 22nd Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition, titled "Rhetoric and Writing across Language Boundaries." This year's conference will focus on defining a multilingual rhetoric and writing practice. Featured speakers include leading scholars who address multilingualism in their research and scholarship.

The program committee invites proposals for papers focusing on the questions above, or on any subject that provides fresh perspectives on multilingualism in rhetoric and composition. As was the case in previous conferences, the papers presented in the conference will be considered for inclusion in a book to be published on this subject.

Submit carefully written abstracts (250 words) that include your name, paper title, professional affiliation, institution name, mailing address, preferred e-mail address and phone number, via e-mail attachment to

Proposals are due February 15, 2011. For more information please visit our Call for Proposals page at

During April 2011 you will receive e-mail notification regarding acceptance of your abstract .

Please bookmark our Web site,, which will be updated in the future to contain all the conference information, including detailed schedule and online registration.

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