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RSA 2012 - Call for Papers/Panels/Special Sessions


Greetings everyone,

Submissions are now being accepted for the 15th Biennial RSA Conference, which will be held from May 25-28, 2012, at the Loews Hotel in Philadelphia, PA. Please consider submitting panel, individual, and/or special session proposals.


The conference theme “Re/Framing Identifications” offers conference attendees—who identify as scholars, teachers, students, and citizens across a wide range of ideologies—an opportunity not only to extend our scholarly knowledge of rhetorical histories, theories, tactics, technologies, geographies, and practices but also to extend our roles as public intellectuals by discussing how to name, analyze, evaluate, teach, and take action rhetorically on challenges facing our world. (For more information, see the 2012 RSA Call For Papers).


All submissions for the RSA 2012 program will be handled electronically and are due by September 16, 2011. For more information on the submission process, go to and click on the “Conferences & Institutes” link for submission instructions.

When you access the submission website, you will be required to register with the website and receive a UserID and password. This data will be your permanent login information, and you will be able to revisit your submission and edit it, as well as receive email notifications about your submission and any editing you may do.

When you are ready to submit a proposal, you will need (in addition to the UserID and password), the institutional affiliations of all presenters and your abstract, which should be prepared for submission in the form of a Word file.

For RSA 2012, you have the option of submitting one or more of three types of proposals, all of which are described below: a panel proposal, an individual proposal, and a special format proposal. (Multiple submissions are permitted, though you can only enter one submission at a time on the site.)

(1) Panel Proposals

Panel proposals should be no more than 1250 words in length and should consist of three to five individual presentations (full sessions will last either 75 or 90 minutes). The proposal should have a proposed title for the panel at the top, followed by an introduction to the panel as a whole. Following this more general introduction should be the descriptions of the individual presentations: give the title and author of each subsequent presentation as well as a short account of each. (If you would like to see a SAMPLE panel proposal, CLICK HERE.)

(2) Individual Proposals

Individual proposals should be no more than 350 words in length (final presentations will be no more than 20 minutes in length). Proposals should include the title of the paper. (If you would like to see a SAMPLE individual proposal, CLICK HERE.)

(3) Special Format Proposals

Special format proposals are meant to encourage panels that are unusual in format, especially those that invite the active participation of both presenters and audiences. Consider such formats as debates; a series of short position papers designed to generate discussion; roundtables; screenings of rhetorical performances followed by discussion; workshops; or other special formats. Special format proposals should be no more than 350 words in length and plan for a 75-minute time slot. Proposals should explain the role of the presenter(s), the role of the participants, and the goals and aims of the proceedings. (If you would like to see a SAMPLE special format proposal, CLICK HERE.)


When you have finished reviewing these guidelines and are ready to submit your proposal for RSA 2012, go to the following URL:

Questions? Please contact Kris Ratcliffe or Kim Newman.

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