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RSA-Second Annual Graduate Student Webinar-February 15, 2013

DWRL WebinarRSA-Second Annual Graduate Student Webinar-February 15, 2013

We are pleased to announce that the Digital Writing and Research Lab (DWRL) at the University of Texas at Austin will host the second annual graduate student webinar on February 15, 2013, 3-5 PM CST. The DWRL will present Associate Professor Rita Raley of UC Santa Barbara and her talk “From Creative Cloning to Where-Next: Tactical Media as Speculative Practice.” In her 2009 book on the subject, Raley describes tactical media as that which “signifies the intervention and disruption of a dominant semiotic regime, the temporary creation of a situation in which signs, messages, and narratives are set into play and critical thinking becomes possible” (6). Raley looks through the lens of activism and aesthetics to discuss media’s ability to immediately adapt to changing material and rhetorical situations. In a continually evolving technological climate and in light of the Arab Spring’s reliance on new media platforms, for example, Raley’s discussion of the relationship between media and rhetorical practice is a significant and timely one for the rhetoric community.

Positioned at the intersection of rhetoric, writing, and technology, the DWRL dedicates itself to the identification and promotion of twenty-first century literacies. In order to further these goals, the DWRL and RSA will host a live, interactive webinar. To ensure that the webcast be readily accessible to viewers, ad-free, and offer opportunities for remote audience participation, participants will be able to use a Google+ hangout embedded on the DWRL website accompanied by a Twitter feed to ask questions and discuss the talk with one another in real time. An on-site moderator will select a few of the Twitter questions and present them to Raley during the live Q&A session.

Details about registering for the talk will be forthcoming.

RSA hosted the first graduate student webinar in 2012 to facilitate connection between graduate student chapters and to provide an opportunity to discuss matters relevant to the field across the entire RSA community.

For more information, contact:

Megan Gianfagna:
Jennifer Keohane:
Kendall Gerdes:


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