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RSA Award Nominations Deadline Extended to February 15th.

The RSA Awards Committee is seeking nominations for two of the association’s most prestigious awards and has extended the deadline for nominations to February 15, 2014.
The George E. Yoos Distinguished Service Award, which is presented biennially to a member of the Society who has made significant and sustained contributions to RSA and to the field. The award is named in honor of George Yoos, a founding member of RSA, who served as founding editor of the Rhetoric Society Quarterly from 1975-1986 and as Executive Secretary from 1986-1995. Winners of the George E. Yoos Award, which automatically confers the status of Fellow, meet the criteria for Rhetoric Society Fellows and have made sustained contributions to the RSA which have improved the organization.
Nominations should include (1) a letter describing the specific contributions of a nominee that explains why this person merits the award, and (2) a copy of the nominee's CV.
Fellows of the Rhetoric Society of America have produced scholarship in rhetorical studies that is remarkable for its quality and quantity, have participated in the work of the RSA, whether on the Board, on its committees, or in other capacities, and have worked to increase the visibility and influence of rhetorical studies through public lectures, teaching, advocacy, or other activities.
Fellows nominations should include (1) a letter describing the specific contributions of a nominee that explains why this person merits the award, and (2) a copy of the nominee's CV.
Nominating materials and/or questions should be sent to the Awards Committee Chair:
Professor Lester C. Olson
Department of Communication
1117 Cathedral of Learning
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

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