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Search for the next RSA Executive Director begins

Search for the next RSA Executive Director begins. Please review the information below for details on the position.

Job Description: Executive Director

In consultation with the elected President and assisted by the contracted administrator (KOC Member Services—Kathie Cesa, CAE), the Executive Director manages administrative as well as financial and legal operations of RSA and advises the Officers and Board. The ED is a non-voting member of the Board of Directors and—with the President, Immediate Past President, and President-Elect—sits as a member of its Executive Committee. The ED is appointed to a four-year term, renewable. Travel expenses and modest stipend are negotiable.


1. Oversees event arrangements

 2. Oversees official RSA communications                

 3. Represents RSA to ACLS as a member of the Council of Administrative Officers (CAO)

 Financial & Legal

1. Responsible for all RSA financial resources and accounts

2. Responsible for legal action and advice for RSA


1. Assists the Executive Committee and Board of Directors with financial, operational, and conceptual strategic planning

2. Attends 2 Board meetings per year.


1. Send current cv and letter of application to: Greg Clark at

2. Review of applications will begin March 1 and continue until position is filled.

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