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RSA Award Winners Announced

RSA14 is just around the corner and we are pleased to announce the winners of our awards. Be sure to join me in honoring them at the RSA Luncheon on Sunday.


2014 Gerard A. Hauser Awards                            
“A Play in Two Dimensions: Swahili Youth Magazines and Hadithi za Picha” Jenna Hanchey, University of Texas at Austin
“From Mob Violence to Violence against Women: Lynching Appropriation and the Case of PUMA”
Katie Irwin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“Disabling Counterpublics: Examining Competing Discourses of Autism Advocacy in the Public Sphere”
Pamela Saunders, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2013 Kneupper Award                      
Sabrina Marsh, “‘The Odds and Ends of Things’: Dorthy Day’s 1930s Catholic Worker Columns and the Prudent Translation of Catholic Social Teachings,” RSQ 42 (4): 330-352.
Lisa Zimmerelli, “‘The Stereoscopic View of Truth’: The Feminist Theological Rhetoric of Frances Willard’s Woman in the Pulpit,” RSQ 42 (4): 353-374
2014 Kneupper Award                                         
Arthur E. Walzer, “ParrÄ“sia, Foucault, and the Classical Rhetorical Tradition,” RSQ 43 (1): 1-21.
2013 Dissertation Award                                      
Lindsay Rose Russell, “Women in the English Language Dictionary” (University of Washington, 2012, co-chairs Anis Bawarshi & Colette Moore).
2014 Dissertation Award                                      
Jean Bessette, "Composing Historical Activism: Anecdotes, Archives, and Multimodality in Rhetorics of Lesbian History" (University of Pittsburgh, 2013, co-chairs Jessica Enoch & Jean Ferguson Carr).
2013 Book Award                                       
Gerard A. Hauser, Prisoners of Conscience: Moral Vernaculars of Political Agency (University of South Carolina Press, 2012).
2014 RSA Book Award                                
Arabella Lyon, Deliberative Acts: Democracy, Rhetoric, and Rights (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2013).
2014 Fellows of the Rhetoric Society of America
David Kaufer, Carnegie Mellon University
Jacqueline Royster, Georgia Tech University
2014 George E. Yoos Distinguished Service Award         
Jeffrey S. Walker, University of Texas at Austin

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