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Book Series Call for Proposals

The RSA Series in Transdisciplinary Rhetoric

Book Series Call for Proposals

The RSA Series in Transdisciplinary Rhetoric

The RSA Series in Transdisciplinary Rhetoric is published by the Pennsylvania State University Press in collaboration with the Rhetoric Society of America. Books published in this series consider rhetoric as both a practice and as a theoretical lens through which to engage other fields; and they investigate how rhetoric itself is complicated as a result of this transdisciplinary exchange. They appeal, first, to scholars in communication studies and English or writing, and, second, to at least one other discipline or subject area.  Topics include, but are not limited to, the rhetoric of science; posthumanist rhetorics; animal studies; the relation of rhetoric and law; digital and visual rhetorics; the intersections of rhetoric and the medical sciences; the networks of rhetoric and economics. Books are well written and accessible to a broad range of students and scholars, as well as innovative and rigorously argued, combining theoretical sophistication with smart case analysis.

Submissions should include a 3-5 page proposal outlining the intent of the project, its scope, its relation to other work on the topic, the anticipated audience, and what makes it transdisciplinary, including an explanation of what the project promises to contribute to another discipline (or disciplines) and how this transdisciplinary engagement will complicate rhetoric as a field of inquiry. Please also include 1-2 sample chapters (at least 1 body chapter) and a current C.V.


Michael Bernard-Donals, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Leah Ceccarelli, University of Washington


Diane Davis, The University of Texas at Austin
Cara Finnegan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Debra Hawhee, The Pennsylvania State University
John Lynch, University of Cincinnati
Steven Mailloux, Loyola Marymount University
Kendall Phillips, Syracuse University
Thomas Rickert, Purdue University

Questions or submissions should be directed to the Penn State Press or to the series editors:

Kendra Boileau
Penn State Press                 

Michael Bernard-Donals
Professor of English and Jewish Studies
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Leah Ceccarelli
Professor of Communication
University of Washington

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