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Kenneth Burke Conference: News Update

Kenneth Burke Conference: News Update

Kenneth Burke fans should know that there has been an addition to the already impressive cohort of keynote and featured speakers appearing at the "Kenneth Burke and his Circles" conference at Penn State next summer: Arabella Lyon of SUNY Buffalo, author of Intentions: Negotiated, Contested, and Ignored.

Go to

to see the full list (click on the "Keynote and Featured Speakers" link located in the menu to your right).

While you're visiting the website, you can learn more about the conference, register, find lodging information, and submit individual paper or session proposals: Don't forget that the deadline to submit individual paper or session proposals for the conference is February 1st!


Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition: Sixth Triennial Conference of the Kenneth Burke Society

Call for Papers and Participants

"Kenneth Burke and His Circles: Rhetoric, Theory, and Critical Practice in and after the Twentieth Century" will be the theme of the Sixth Triennial Conference of the Kenneth Burke Society, planned for July 10-12, 2005, in University Park, Pennsylvania. The meeting is planned in cooperation with the biennial Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition.

You are invited!

The conference theme encourages participants to consider how Kenneth Burke's work (as writer, theorist, and critic) animated, was animated by, and continues to animate the many intellectual circles and individual relationships that sustained him throughout his long career: How did (and does) Kenneth Burke participate in cultural conversations with other communities and individuals, and how did (and do) those communities and individuals in turn draw from him? The conference site is well suited to an exploration of such questions, since Penn State's library is the repository of The Kenneth Burke Papers.

While the conference program committee will appreciate contributions that are responsive to the conference theme, papers on any aspect of Kenneth Burke's work and influence will be considered. Papers on the work of people in Burke's "circles" will also be appreciated, even if those papers do not directly touch on Kenneth Burke. Scholars from communication, rhetoric, American literature, literary theory, American studies, cultural studies, and the social sciences (among other fields) are expected to contribute.

Participants will be invited to contribute to a collection of essays that will be published as one product of the meeting. Submit proposals for individual papers or for full sessions by February 1, 2005: see the conference Web site for complete details:

Keynote Participants for the conference will include Barbara Biesecker, Debra Hawhee, Dell Hymes, Cary Nelson, William Rueckert, Edward Schiappa, Robert Wess, and members of the Kenneth Burke family. Other featured speakers will include David Blakesley, Gregory Clark, Bryan Crable, Timothy Crusius, Beth Eddy, Greig Henderson, James Kastely, Arabella Lyon, Steven Mailloux, Ellen Quandahl, and Tilly Warnock.

For additional information on registration, housing, and other matters, consult the conference Web site. Direct questions to:

Jack Selzer, Conference Director
Department of English
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802

Please distribute this notice to interested people everywhere.

Jack Selzer
Professor of English
Department of English
Penn State University
103 Burrowes Building
University Park, PA 16802
phone: 814-865-0251 or 863-3069; fax 814-863-7285 (department web page) (personal web page)

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