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Workshops for 2007 Summer Institute

The following workshops are proposed for RSA's 2007 Summer Institute. Please click on the title of the workshop for a complete description and application instructions. You will be able to return to this webpage from the individual workshop pages. General questions should be directed to Susan Jarratt,


The Rhetorics of Place  

John Ackerman, Kent State University,
S. Michael Halloran, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Amy Scarfone, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Kenneth Burke and Big Rhetoric

Dana Anderson, Indiana University,
Elizabeth Richard, Arizona State University
Christina Colp-Hansbury, Arizona State University
Rick Johnston, Indiana University

Rhetoric and Law

James Arnt Aune, Texas A&M University,
Elizabeth Britt, Northeastern University

Conducting Rhetorical Research


Davida Charney, University of Texas at Austin,
Christine Neuwirth, Carnegie Mellon University


Rhetoric and Democratic Culture


Jeremy Engels, Penn State University,


Rhetoric and Jewish Studies

Janice Fernheimer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Steven Katz, Clemson University
David Metzger, Old Dominion University

Rhetoric and Religion: Perspectives and Prospects

William FitzGerald, Rutgers University-Camden,

Vernacular Rhetoric

Gerard A. Hauser, University of Colorado,

Visual Rhetoric Forum

R. Michael Jackson, University of New Hampshire,

Rhetoric and Transnationalism

Eileen E. Schell, Syracuse University,
Rebecca Dingo, University of Missouri-Columbia

Improving the Status of Rhetoric Studies

Sponsored by the Alliance for Rhetoric Societies

Louise Wetherbee Phelps, Syracuse University,
David Zarefsky, Northwestern University

Medical Rhetoric


Susan Wells, Temple University,
Ellen Barton, Wayne State University

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