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RSA 2016 - Undergraduate Research Network

Dear Colleagues:

The RSA 2016 convention will feature an Undergraduate Research Network on Saturday, May 28th from 11:00am to 1:45pm. The Undergraduate Research Network will match talented undergraduate rhetoricians with a faculty mentor and peers with similar interests for a workshop-type discussion of student projects, as well as conversation on issues in contemporary rhetorical studies.

We’re sending out this email now to alert you to this opportunity, invite you to disseminate this information to potential Undergraduate Research Network participants, and ask you to encourage potential participants to submit applications. Applications are due by February 1, 2016 and should be sent to Jim Jasinski (

By the February 1st deadline, applicants should send a paper title, a 250 word abstract for a conference-quality paper, and an email explaining why they want to participate in RSA’s 2016 Undergraduate Research Network. We will notify applicants regarding their application status in early March. Accepted applicants will need to send their final paper to their faculty mentor and small group members by April 1, 2016.

This is an excellent opportunity to encourage undergraduates to participate in the RSA conference. In order to help make the conference as affordable as possible, undergraduate registration for the conference is only $50!

Please contact either Undergraduate Research Network director if you have questions or need additional information. We look forward to meeting and working with some of your best undergraduates next spring!


Jim Jasinski and Trish Roberts-Miller

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