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Announcing RSA’s Sixth Annual Graduate Student Webinar

Thursday, March 23, 2017 @ 1pm EDT (11am MDT)

Announcing RSA’s Sixth Annual Graduate Student Webinar
Rhetorics of Resistance in the Digital Age:
A Roundtable Discussion with
Dr. Karma Chavez
Thursday, March 23, 2017 @ 1pm EDT (11am MDT)

In cooperation with Retorica Elevada, the RSA Graduate Student Chapter at the University of Utah, RSA is pleased to announce its sixth annual Graduate Student Webinar, “Rhetorics of Resistance in the Digital Age,” featuring a roundtable discussion with Dr. Karma Chavez of the University of Texas at Austin.

Online networks and digital communication have become central to coordinating, publicizing, and documenting acts of resistance in the public sphere. Recent instances of resistance including the women’s marches and airport rallies indicate the power of digital networks to organize individuals around issues of social justice. Digital infrastructure has transformed the terrain of activist practices, and groups ranging from Anonymous to Black Lives Matter have responded with revised strategies and tactics. This roundtable discussion will consider what it means to theorize, teach, and participate in rhetorical resistance in the digital age. How has traditional rhetoric adapted to digital networks, or has a new rhetorical tradition emerged in the digital age? Do digital networks and technologies foster more inclusive collective rhetoric? How do networks and technologies make rhetorics of resistance more powerful or effective? These are just a few questions that the panel of scholars, writers, and activists, will engage during the roundtable discussion.

The webinar will be broadcast through Facebook Live, and viewers can participate via the Facebook Live stream and via Twitter. We will be sharing more details in the coming weeks regarding accessing the live stream, tweeting questions to the panelists, and other pertinent information. For now, mark your calendars for this important and timely event. Congratulations to Retorica Elevada at the University of Utah!

Questions may be directed to Katie Irwin and Erica Fischer at

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