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RSA Graduate Student Chapter Funding and Award Calendar, 2017-18

RSA Graduate Student Chapter Funding and Award Calendar, 2017-18 

In order to help our student chapters plan for the various funding opportunities we offer during the academic year, we are providing an application schedule for reference. Please note that official announcements with application instructions for each opportunity will be distributed at the call times listed. If you have any questions please contact the graduate student representatives Katie Irwin and Erica Fischer at   

Annual Funding Request

This award is meant to support the yearly activities of RSA student chapters, including (but not limited to) the hosting of colloquia, professionalization talks, reading groups, and seminars. Any chapter in good standing (meaning that the chapter has a minimum of five student members and has adopted the RSA Student Chapter Guidelines) will have the yearly opportunity to apply for a $50 matching grant from RSA. 

Call: Friday, September 29th
Deadline: Tuesday, October 31st 

Special Event Award

This competitive award is meant to support special event programming created by RSA student chapters that would not otherwise be possible without the support of RSA.  We encourage applicants to propose projects or events that cultivate professionalization and cooperation between and among academic departments, RSA student chapters, and/or rhetoric programs at other universities, although such collaboration is not requisite for the application. Any chapter in good standing (as noted above) will have the opportunity to apply for this competitively awarded grant.  The number and dollar amount of awards given each year will depend on the availability of funds.  Chapters must submit a project proposal, including a budget. 

Call: Friday, September 29
Deadline: Tuesday, October 31st
Winners announced: Friday, December 1st

Webinar Award

The webinar should focus on either professional development or a topic of scholarly interest. The principal consideration in selecting a webinar proposal will be the extent to which the topic invites wide interest and bridges institutional affiliations (i.e., English and Communication). The webinar should seek to incorporate an interactive forum for participants, regardless of its specific format (e.g., scholarly talk, panel discussion, roundtable). Potential webinar topics might address professional concerns including publishing, the job market, or applying for grants. Or, applicants may design the webinar to explore broader disciplinary questions. A webinar that highlights the recipient of the RSA annual book award is also an option. Ultimately, we are looking for inventive proposals that both speak and would be attractive to rhetoric teachers and scholars across the RSA’s membership. The student chapter selected will be responsible for designing, organizing, and facilitating the webinar; therefore, chapters must also be able to provide the necessary technology. RSA will assist with promoting the event, which would ideally take place in the second quarter of 2018 (March or April). 

Call: Monday, November 20th
Deadline: Friday, December 15th
Winner announced: Friday, January 5th

Outstanding Student Chapter Award

The Outstanding Graduate Student Chapter Award will recognize a student chapter for their continued dedication to collaborating and promoting rhetoric-related events and to increase the visibility of RSA student chapters. A prize of $500 will accompany the award. 

Call: Monday, March 12
Deadline: Monday, April 16
Winners announced: Tuesday, May 1

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