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RSA 2018 Conference Volume - Extension of Deadline on Submissions

Re-inventing Rhetoric Scholarship:  50 Years of the Rhetoric Society of America

The Rhetoric Society of America has extended the deadline for submissions to an edited volume inspired by the 18th Biennial Conference in Minneapolis.  At that conference, many participants reflected on the 50th anniversary of the organization as well as on our conference theme:  Re-inventing Rhetoric: Celebrating the Past, Building the Future.  We invite you to submit papers delivered at the 2018 conference that address either (or both) of these themes. 

Submissions should be no longer than 10 pages, double-spaced (12-point font), not including the bibliography (about 3,000 words).  Citations should be documented in MLA Format, 8th edition. Permission to reprint any images not in the public domain should be cleared in advance, with captions and credit lines placed in the text and hi-res image files provided separately. So that we can move the collection into production as early as possible, only polished, correctly formatted essays can be considered.

NEW Deadline:  March 1, 2019

Upload submissions through the following portal:

All inquiries should go to: 

Roxanne Mountford ( or Dave Tell (, editors

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