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RSA 2020 - Program Draft Available for Review

Greetings, all:

You will find a schedule of panels and event for RSA 2020 posted HERE.  A couple of notes:

1.  I cannot address requests for changes to the schedule based on personal preferences.  As you can imagine, every change has a domino effect on the entire program.

2.  You will note that this version does not contain titles of individual papers.  This is because, when I was preparing it, I noticed that many of those who submitted full panel proposals identified themselves as “Chair” of the panel, while they clearly had intended to participate as a panelist, also.  This led to confusion as to whom was “Speaker 1” and “Speaker 2,” etc., as referenced in the abstract.  When I receive some clarity in those instances, I will then distribute the version with paper titles.  At that time, you can inform me of any modifications you would like to make to your title.

In the meantime, please check the accuracy of your name and your institutional affiliation, as listed here.

Please send any corrections directly to me at  Apparently, my junk mail has a voracious appetite for consuming correspondence sent to the RSASubmissions email address.

We are looking forward to a rich exchange of ideas in Portland.  We hope to see you there, but if you are now unable to attend, please let me know at your earliest convenience.

All the best,

Michelle Ballif

For the planning committee:

Diane Davis
Karma Chávez
Byron Hawk

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