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RSA - New Co-Digital Communication Officers and Rhetorics for All Project

Dear RSA Community:

I write with the news that we have appointed two, new co-Digital Communication Officers to serve the Society.  This position (previously known as the Electronic Communications Officer) has been held by Dr. Casey Boyle since 2017.  In anticipation of the expiration of his term of service and as a result of a rigorous search, Dr. Geoff Clegg and Dr. Eric Detweiler were both named to the position to share the increasing roles that the position demands.  We welcome them to our administrative team and thank them for their generous commitment of service to the Rhetoric Society of America.

Dr. Boyle has done an extraordinary job to help the Society maintain its social media presence, as well as to help us move nimbly into virtual environments necessitated by the global pandemic.  As you might imagine this is timely and tireless work, attending to a variety of platforms and technological restraints and affordances for our collective benefit.  We offer our deepest thanks to him for his continued energy and good will over the years.

Although much of Dr. Boyle’s work is behind the scenes, you can see one of his most recent manifestations on the RSA Homepage, where there is now a panel displaying public facing research by our members who are included in the Rhetorics for All project (  This project is an ever-growing catalogue of publicly engaged rhetorical scholarship, curated by Dr. Dave Tell, who is our Public Humanities Officer.

Members may not realize that a great deal of RSA labor is taken up, daily, by the administrative officers—including of course, Dr. Boyle and Dr. Tell, but also Dr. Leslie J. Harris, who serves as Membership Officer, and Dr. Jennifer Malkowski, who serves as our Outreach Officer.

I hope that you will join me in expressing your gratitude for their tireless service.

All best, Michelle

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