Complete Story

Critical Discourse Analysis

Leaders: Tom Huckin, University of Utah; Jenny Andrus, University of Utah

Critical Discourse Analysis 

Tom Huckin, University of Utah
Jenny Andrus, University of Utah 

Critical Discourse Analysis is a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary field of study that combines linguistic analysis, social theory, rhetorical analysis, and other tools to expose the consequences of powerful discourses and various forms of manipulation in and by public discourses.  It is a context-sensitive form of text analysis that takes an explicit ethical stance against social injustice, discrimination, and other discourse-enabled abuses of power.  This workshop will describe CDA in some depth (its history, its methods, its major strands) and then use case studies to give participants some hands-on experience doing CDA.  Participants are welcome to present candidate CDA projects of their own for group discussion and guidance.

Questions? Contact Tom Huckin,

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