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Rhetoric, Difference and Practical Criticism

Leader: Lester Olson, University of Pittsburgh

Rhetoric, Difference and Practical Criticism 

Lester Olson, University of Pittsburgh 

This workshop will engage participants in developing teaching approaches and materials for upper level undergraduate and graduate courses concerned with rhetoric, difference, and practical criticism. Workshop participants will collaborate on articulating their rationales for undertaking such teaching in criticism classes, as well as identifying a range of specific objectives central to them. The workshop will be highly interactive in that, before it convenes, participants will complete structured exercises designed to help them contribute initial plans for one module, which they will improve in conversations with others during the workshop through guided discussions and selected readings concerning rhetoric and difference. Sample syllabi from at least three courses illustrating varied approaches and substantive content as well as specific active learning exercises will round out the workshop on practical criticism. The sample syllabi are for courses on “Human Rights Rhetoric” (undergraduate and graduate levels)  “Visual Rhetoric” (undergraduate level), and “Rhetorical Criticism” (graduate level), because each of them illustrates alternatives for dealing with differences and rhetoric.

Questions? Contact Lester Olson,

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