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Latin American and Latina/o Rhetoric

Leaders: Lisa Flores, University of Colorado at Boulder; Damian Baca, University of Arizona

Latin American and Latina/o Rhetoric 

Lisa Flores, University of Colorado at Boulder
Damian Baca, University of Arizona 

This workshop will provide opportunities to exchange knowledge and experience on research related to Latin American and Latina/o rhetoric. We will examine Latin American and Latina/o responses to the basic assumptions engrained in the Western idea of rhetoric, its ties to colonial power, modernity, progress and development. Of equal importance, we will consider possibilities of non-eurocentered rhetorical theory and production in both the hemispheric North (including the North with in the South) and the hemispheric South (including the South within the North). 

Sponsored by the Latin American Rhetoric Association-US Chapter.

Questions? Contact Lisa Flores, Lisa.Flores@Colorado.EDU

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