Complete Story

Composing Multimodal Rhetorics

Leaders: Anne Frances Wysocki, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee; Dennis A. Lynch, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

Composing Multimodal Rhetorics 

Anne Frances Wysocki, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
Dennis A. Lynch, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee 

How to account for the rhetorical functioning of texts—both print and onscreen—that incorporate alphabetic text with pictures, sound, animations, and/or video? In this seminar we will read into the aesthetics—and into the history of the aesthetics—of each of these media, and of graphic design; we will consider these approaches alongside the history of rhetorical responses to texts that are not strictly alphabetic, in order to try out rhetorical approaches more encompassing of the designed emotion, affect, movement, and bodies that multimodal texts (appear to) call into being.

Questions? Contact Anne Frances Wysocki,

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