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RSA 2022 Submissions (In-Person and Virtual) due by August 15

This is just a reminder that submissions for RSA 2022 (for both in-person and virtual options) are due no later than August 15. The in-person conference will be held in Baltimore, Maryland May 26-29, 2022 with the parallel virtual option held Saturday-Sunday May 28-29. You can find the complete call for proposals here, and the submission portal can be found here. You may submit an individual paper, a panel, or a special session of any format.

In addition to the excellent papers and panels that will be presented at the conference, there will be:

Also, if you think you might need childcare at the conference, please be sure to answer the childcare questions on the submission form. This does not obligate you to use the service but will help us plan to have enough resources available to accommodate those who would like to use them. There will also be a lactation room, as well as a quiet room.

If you are interested in reviewing for the conference, please send an email to  In your email, please indicate the general area in which you would like to review: Rhetorical Theory, Rhetorical Criticism, History of Rhetoric, Public Rhetorics, Critical & Cultural Rhetorics, Rhetorics of Science, Digital Rhetorics, Rhetorical Pedagogy, Material/Bodily Rhetorics, or Religious Rhetorics. We will do our best to try to send submissions that match your interest.

Finally, please know that RSA and the Baltimore Waterfront Marriott are working together to follow the Centers for Disease Control guidelines to make attendance at the meeting as safe as possible. We will continue to follow updated CDC guidance as conditions evolve up until the time of the meeting, as well as any additional requirements set by the conference hotel and the local government. We hope that all attendees coming to Baltimore will be vaccinated by the time they arrive. We plan to encourage mask wearing for everyone who wishes to do so, and we will have masks available at the registration desk. We will post updates on the website.

If you have any questions about submissions or the conference, please contact Executive Director Leslie Dinauer at

We look forward to seeing you in May!

The RSA 2022 Conference Committee

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