Complete Story

Third Annual Interactive Rhetoric Symposium

Oxford, England July 20-25, 2015

Rhetoric With Aristotle

Third Annual Interactive

Rhetoric Symposium

Oxford, England

July 20-25, 2015

At the Middlebury Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS)


Prof. James J. Murphy   Dr. Nicholas Crowe

PROF. JAMES J. MURPHY    University of California, Davis

PROF. MALCOLM HEATH    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

PROF. MIKE EDWARDS       Roehampton University, London

DR. NICHOLAS J. CROWE  Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies                                   


Qualified applicants will be notified as accepted.

Total Fee, including registration, most meals including closing dinner at Keble College, and accommodation in the heart of Oxford, is £650. Total fee payable at time of acceptance.       

Applications online only. For information and registration details contact Dr. Bernard Gowers, Senior Tutor:

Background: Each Rhetoric Symposium features four “Priming Speakers” whose remarks are analyzed through immediate direct responses, through group discussions, and through ongoing Research Groups culminating in a parliamentary debate to choose a single Proposition embodying the concepts studied.

The first Symposium in 2012 with 20 participants from seven countries discussed “Rhetoric in the Twenty-First Century.”   Proceedings are in press with Cambridge Scholars Press. A scheduling    problem forced a lull in 2013, but in 2014 there were 17 participants from five continents who took on the subject “Rhetoric in Time and Space.”      

Please follow for a PDF version of the information:     Third Annual Interactive Rhetoric Symposium                                                  

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