Electronic Publication: Designed to assist Financial Institutions, both RDFIs and ODFIs, in addressing ACH risk, this workbook covers risk obligations as defined in OCC Bulletin 2006- 39, ACH Risk Management Guidance, the FFIEC Retail Payment Systems IT Examination Handbook and current ACH Rules. Chapters include System and Controls, Credit Risk, High-Risk Activities, Compliance Risk, Third-Party Service Providers, Fraud Risk, Operational and Transaction Risk, and Information Technology Risk. Recent updates address data security, personnel practices, physical security, operational controls, credit risk related to Originator due diligence and Business Continuity planning and testing. By completing user-friendly worksheets, this workbook will identify strengths and weaknesses in your existing ACH risk management program and assist with the development of a comprehensive risk management program. Compliance officers, audit personnel and operations staff will find this to be a valuable tool.